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Bauchet Bauchet Box
France Version française
Photos by - text by Sylvain Halgand. From the collection of -. Last update 2024-01-24 par Jacques Bratieres.

Manufactured or assembled in France from 1952 to (After) 1952.
Index of rarity in France: Rare (among non-specialized garage sales)
Inventory number: 3303

See the complete technical specifications

Chronology of cameras Bauchet 

This retractable lens camera never went beyond the prototype stage, and only Grenier, by anticipating somewhat, added it to his catalog.

This camera was the subject of a patent filed in 1953 and granted in 1954 (No. FR1069932). It suggests the possibility of the lens being mounted on a retractable tube. The uniqueness lies in the method of opening the back.

Bauchet Bauchet Box

Bauchet Bauchet Box


Bauchet History (by J. Bratières, S. Halgand)


This period witnesses the rise of photography and postcard publishing. In Rueil, around ten colorization companies are engaged in these activities, purchasing photographic paper; they are referred to as "bromiders." Most of these companies source their paper from Piprot establishments, specialized in photosensitive surfaces.


In September 1910, Messrs. Marie Magloire Ernest Bauchet, a chemist, and Louis Charles Adolphe Joseph de Poix, a central engineer, establish the Bauchet establishments at 29 rue du Vieux Pont in Rueil and register a trademark for photographic products: "BPA initials between two five-pointed stars." The company produces heliographic papers. In 1912, they move to the premises of Piprot Photographic Establishments on Boulevard Léon Louesse. It is likely that Bauchet Establishments succeed Piprot Establishments. The de Poix family will play a role in the industrial life of Rueil and other cities.

In 1914, Mr. Bauchet participates in the war as a nurse and is discharged in 1915. De Poix is mobilized throughout the war and is decorated as a Knight of the Legion of Honour. In 1918, Gauthier de Poix, Charles's brother, joins the company. He advocates for the establishment of a paper production factory specific to Bauchet, which becomes operational in 1929.


In 1923, the capital is increased to 200,000 francs, and a school of photography and cinema is established by Bauchet. In 1924, the headquarters is relocated to 182 Avenue Paul Doumer in Rueil. Throughout its existence, Bauchet Company files patents related to film chemistry, manufacturing, and rapid photocopying techniques. In 1927, Bauchet advertises for the search of images for its own advertisements. In 1928, the company introduces a radio set, the Super-Ixi.


By 1930, the factory employs over 400 people and occupies 35,000 square meters; it is the only one in Europe producing its own paper. Products are exported worldwide. The capital increases from 601,000 francs to 1,601,000 francs, and the company's duration is extended to 90 years. In 1931, Bauchet receives the Grand Prix at the Colonial Exhibition organized by "Le Photographe." In 1932, Bauchet manufactures 1 million postcards per day. The capital is increased to 2,300,000 francs in 1937.

The 13th Exhibition of Photography and Cinema in 1936


At the beginning of the occupation, the factory continues its operations, almost as if nothing has changed (October 1940).

During the occupation, the establishments are compelled by the occupiers to work for Perutz, the German counterpart of Bauchet. After Liberation, Bauchet seeks compensation for war damages (3.8 million francs at the time). An additional 10 million francs will be required to strengthen the floors and repair the roofs of the factory.
In 1941, Marie Magloire Ernest Bauchet passes away, and Louis Charles de Poix continues alone. In the same year, De Poix and other industrialists establish the Groupement Interprofessionnel de Nanterre-Rueil (GINR) with the objectives of assisting member companies, providing training, establishing medical support, and managing relations with the occupiers (STO - Service du Travail Obligatoire).
In 1942, a branch is established at 44 Rue d'Amsterdam in Paris, which will exist until 1948. In 1944, the products manufactured by Bauchet for Otto Perutz are placed under sequestration.
In 1949, Bauchet's logo changes. The new logo features the silhouette of the Château de la Malmaison in Rueil, enclosed within a circle.


In 1950, Louis Charles de Poix also passes away. At this time, the company employs 500 people, and there are still five "bromiders" in Rueil. Louis de Poix succeeds his father. Bauchet launches the Rolla brand of films. The factory covers 4 hectares and annually produces 15 million square meters of photosensitive surfaces (equivalent to the surface area of Rueil). The company also manufactures non-flammable film in tri-acetate cellulose for industrial photography and cinema.

The business is transformed into a Société Anonyme (public limited company) in 1951. Throughout its existence, Bauchet is very active in terms of marketing (referred to as propaganda at the time), both in presenting the company and its products.

In 1951, the grand Rolla competition, for the absent-minded photographer, offers a Renault 4CV as the first prize.

For several years, starting in 1953, the Bauchet brand becomes a significant advertiser in the bi-monthly professional magazine "Le Photographe," consistently utilizing the back cover for an advertorial, known as the "Bulletin d'information Bauchet." Once the pure advertising content is set aside, a wealth of information about the company and its operations remains.

      No.4 No.5
Presentation of the commercial organization
No.8 No.9
Paper factory
Triacetate film
No.12 No.13
Energy production
No.14 No.15
Advertising campaign
Advertising campaign
No.18 No.19
Industrial photos
Aerial Photo
Photocopying documents
Control service
Snow photos
No.26 No.27
Platine 53
Rolla arrive
Equipe de
No.31 No.32
Platine 54
The small format
Marseille exhibition
The Rolla-Boat
The Rolla-Boat
Rolla cruises
End of summer 54 campaign
No.39 No.40
Technical assistance
The Mosquito
No.42 No.43
No.44 No.45

Bauchet company booth in 1951 in 1954

The Tragedy of Riva-Bella

On June 21, 1955, 350 employees of Bauchet took part in an excursion on the beach of Riva-Bella. An amphibious truck (Rolla-Boat), owned by Bauchet and used for advertising purposes, had been brought to the beach by road.
Two pilots, Henri Guadebois and his brother Camille, had conducted preliminary tests, deemed satisfactory despite rough sea conditions.
The sea outings began without any issues, providing an enjoyable ride for the passengers.

However, during the fourth outing, the engine of the Rolla-Boat stalls about 200 meters from the shore. Despite attempts to restart it, the situation deteriorates rapidly. Some passengers manage to evacuate successfully as the water is shallow. The truck rests on its wheels, but most passengers refuse to leave the boat, underestimating the imminent danger.

Swiftly, surging waves engulf the boat, resulting in the loss of twenty lives, including 18 employees of the company. Rescue efforts are promptly mobilized following the port siren alert. Eight individuals are saved, but seven passengers are transported to the Caen hospital with no hope of survival.
A dual investigation is launched by maritime authorities and the public prosecutor's office in Caen to determine the causes of the accident and any potential liabilities. Questions arise regarding the safety of the amphibious vehicle and the passengers' response to the danger.
The funerals of the victims, predominantly employees of the Bauchet establishments, take place in Rueil-Malmaison after a religious ceremony.

Paris-Match dedicated a portion of its issue number 326 to this tragedy. The photos are taken from this issue. (Courtesy of Paris-Match)

Note: The vehicle mentioned is a DUKW used by the U.S. military during World War II. .
Carte Postale
Bauchet in Rueil-Malmaison.
Postcard from 1958 depicting a model of the Bauchet Establishments (Collection P.H).

Exposure Calculation Table (Collection JPV)

Bauchet Bauchet
Bauchet Bauchet
A series of advertising postcards

60's and 70's

In 1965, 3M acquires Bauchet-Rolla. In 1968 and 1969, the two widows of the founders pass away. Local production comes to a halt in 1970. The site continues to handle the development and technical support of sales. 3M leaves Rueil at the end of the 1990s.

Present Day

Photo actuelle (Google Maps) montrant l'emprise de l'usine et du siège.

Acknowledgments : Rueil-Malmaison, terre d'entreprise d'Arnaud Bethonnet et Sylvie Gousset, Etienne Gérard, Collection L'obturateur, Georges Pitiot, Michel Duvernois, Archives municipales de Rueil-Malmaison, Club Niepce Lumière, BNF

Cameras from Ebay France (Bauchet) (Uploaded each 3 hours)

Appareil Photo BAUCHET MOSQUITO II avec sa sacoche - 1958 - Format 6x9

30,00 euros
Finira le 19-07-2024 à 17:39:52

Appareil photo ancien MOSQUITO II, année 1948, BAUCHET, 6 X 9 FORMAT

24,00 euros
Finira le 22-07-2024 à 20:29:20